Transmission mechanically operated

The ALFATERM employs a high-technology and in the manufacture of parts and accessories for your cooling tower and water, using components from cutting-edge high-performance materials are great for ensuring maximum strength and durability.

The transmission drives the mechanical components of the cooling tower water can occur in 4 ways: By a direct coupling to the motor is installed in the propeller fan axial or centrifugal fans, as well as using it with a higher polarity; on the docking round, the motor through the pulley and the belt; For the docking round, the motor through the reducer, the speed. By docking round for the electric motor, via a speed reducer right angle with the shaft in a carbon-fiber driveshaft, positioned on the outside of the air flow, causing the towers to work with a higher-compression of streams, and thus reducing the noise level and the number of stops of the techniques.

Directly to the engine

For direct coupling to the motor is installed in the propeller fan.

Indirectly, through the Pulley, and Belt

By docking round for the electric motor, through belt pulley, and a belt.

Indirect by Reducing the Speed of

By docking round for the electric motor through the reducer, the speed.

- Indirect through a Speed Reducer right angle

By docking round for the electric motor, through a speed reducer right angle with the shaft in a carbon-fiber driveshaft.

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